Systems Programming

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9780074604823
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 488
  • LANGUAGE: English

Systems Programming

Rs. 565.00

Publisher :MCGRAW-HILL
  • Reference Books
  • English
  • 488 PAGES

The book covers material contained in several courses of Curriculum 68 as described by the Association of Computing Machimery (ACM). This text is self-sufficient in that there are enough details for 370 and PL/I to support the rest of material and it will be useful for graduate students as well as professionals . In addition to discussing the traditional system components of assemblers and macros, the book gives special emphasis to important features of systems programming presently not covered in many texts-compilers, the advanced problems of storage allocation, recursion, operating systems, and I/O programming.

The book covers material contained in several courses of Curriculum 68 as described by the Association of Computing Machimery (ACM). This text is self-sufficient in that there are enough details for 370 and PL/I to support the rest of material and it will be useful for
ate students as well as professionals . In addition to discussing the traditional system components of assemblers and macros, the book gives special emphasis to important features of systems programming presently not covered in many texts-compilers, the advanced problems of storage allocation, recursion, operating systems, and I/O
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9780074604823
  • CATEGORY: Reference Books
  • ISBN-13: 9780074604823
  • PAGES: 488
  • LANGUAGE: English

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